The president of Attalaki organization, accompanied by his assistant, responsible for relations with state institutions, met with Mr. Ahmed Adhoum, Minister of Religious Affairs at the ministry’s headquarters, where the president of Attalaki presented the minister with a copy of the “Annual Report of Religious Freedom in Tunisia 2020” in addition to the outputs related to the workshops organized within the “4EqualRights” which was implemented in partnership between Attalaki and Minority Rights Group Europe.

The two parties to the meeting had a two-hour discussion on issues related mainly to the status of religious minorities in Tunisia and religious freedom in general, in addition to addressing activities in the field of interfaith dialogue and building understandings implemented by Attalaki with its local and international partners.

The assistant to the president of the organization presented to the minister the most important projects that have been implemented and are about to be launched in the coming period, among which is “Amana” project directed to workers in religious affairs.

Mr. Ahmed Adhoum expressed his admiration and great interest in the work that has been accomplished, stressing that the ministry is ready for any cooperation or support that the organization may need in carrying out its work and providing the required facilities.

This meeting was attended by officials from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, including Mr. Abdesalam Atoui, President of the General Syndicate for Religious Affairs, and Mrs. Lamia Amara, Director in the Ministry.

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