The short film Rediscovering Tunisia is a production that follows two earlier films, Pilgrims of Tunisia and Pilgrims of Djerba, produced by Attalaki in partnership with the HL-SENTERET as part of the Coexistence Tour project. This initiative provides a valuable opportunity for a group of young Tunisians to rediscover historical religious sites that reflect the rich diversity and architectural heritage of our beloved country, Tunisia. In this film, Akram, Safa, Fares, and Rawaa share their experiences from visits to Christian, Islamic, and Jewish religious sites in the medina of Tunis and the island of Djerba.

During my visit to these religious sites, I paused to reflect and asked myself, ‘What if we had been taken to these places as children, just as we were taken to museums and archaeological sites? I believe that such experiences would have greatly contributed to our understanding of the true diversity and differences within our country during our childhood and adolescence.’ For this reason, I find it essential that school trips include visits to these beautiful places we have explored. – Rawaa Nasraoui 

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