Project info

  • Partners :
  • Budget : TND 57,000.00
  • Date : 2020-2022
  • Région : North-west

Description about Project

Attalaki received a grant within the program “Capacity Building Program” funded by The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and being implemented by Association de Cooperation en Tunis (ACT).

This project works on the span of 2 years to spread the culture of difference among young people with the need to respect the beliefs and tendencies of others and how to manage diversity in the public space, develop skills and capabilities in creative thinking and create initiatives that contribute to creating an atmosphere of trust between the various components of society.

This project, titled Youth for Coexistence is a training program that aimed to train 15 youth activists from both genders to become trainers (ToT) in a 4 days intensive training course on the following themes:

  • Dialogue management and methods of teamwork and effective communication
  • Social initiatives conceptualization
  • Social media content drafting 
  • Training packages preparation

After the training, this project initiated a series of 6 workshops coordinated by the trained youth activists in their regions. The workshop implementation governorates are as follows: Bizerte, Nabeul, Zaghouan, El Kef, Jendouba, and Grand Tunis.


The objectives of this Project

  • Increasing the skills of workers and those interested in religious affairs in the field of public debates and methods of successful dialogue.
  • Providing platforms for different religious tendencies to meet and exchange views.
  • Providing targeted support for religious bloggers in the field of awareness at the grassroots level and enabling them to bridge the gap between virtual space and reality.
  • Encourage religious leaders to develop plans and programs to raise awareness about social, political, and economic issues among the general public.

Testimonials from Our Beneficiaries