Project info

  • Partners :
  • Budget : TND 88,000.00
  • Date : 19-03-2021 To 12-10-2021
  • Région : 12 Tunisian governorates

Description for Project

This project is the result of dialogue sessions between actors in religious affairs and civil society focused on the extent of hate speech on social media platforms and its impact on large segments of society, especially young people, aware of the need to raise awareness of the importance of understanding and analyzing mechanisms for conflict resolution and mutual dialogue through launching a high-quality training program, including religious workers, civil society, and marginalized groups.


The objectives of this Project

The objectives of this training were to contribute to enriching the capacities of different actors in the field of religion in communication and rhetoric such as follows:

Mastery of argumentation techniques:

Aristotle’s triangle
The rhetorical tools of speech
Interview techniques

Conflict management:

Know yourself better to act better in conflict situations
Decipher the different types of conflicts
Manage and resolve conflicts effectively

Formulation of messages through social networks:

Social networks as a vector of our argument
Best practices on social networks

Testimonials from Our Beneficiaries